Combat is an integral part of CyberSphere, and as such of your character's life in New Carthage. There are several commands and concepts that you should be familiar with in order to make the most out of your murderous rampage through the city's streets.
ki*ll/at*tack <target>
This is the fundamental command that starts combat between you and your chosen target. You will automatically use whatever weapon you are holding to initiate the attack. Of course, some weapons are more effective on some targets than others, and anyone who goes after a vehicle with his or her bare hands probably deserves what they get. Some targets are also more difficult than others, and it is not safe to assume than an NPC is going to be a pushover.
stop attacking
Using this command will stop you from making attacks on your opponent. It will NOT, however, stop them from attacking you.
If you're about to die and the odds are that your attacker is not going to listen to reason or your shameless begging for your life, try flee. If you're successful you will pick a random direction and run for your life. Be careful, though, as the other combatant will get a parting shot at your back as you depart! If you are unsuccessful, however, you will skip your next combat round.
mode mode <any>
The 'mode' command gives you access to several different combat modes. These give you control over how much emphasis you want on offense over defense, and vice versa, while 'throw' is to deliberately lose the fight.
Typing the command without any arguments will display your current mode. The second format will select one of the modes from the list.
This mode will remain in effect until you change it.
This command will toggle you between two modes: fatal, and merciful.
@fatal -> Combat switched to fatal. @fatal -> Combat switched to merciful.
The main difference between these two modes is your intent. In merciful (often described as @merciful), you will not actively try to kill your opponent and are instead seeking to knock them unconscious, whereas when you are in fatal mode you may land a hit that kills your opponent outright.
Note: Combat is not a safe activity. Even if you are in merciful mode there is still the potential to maim or kill your opponent. Critical hits to the head or chest may result in organ damage or death. For safer combat, see @spar.
This command toggles your character between normal combat and sparring mode. In sparring mode, you will automatically stop combat before inflicting any real damage to your opponent - preventing you from killing them accidentally.
Note: While sparring will not kill or maim your opponent, it may still injure them or cause them to bleed.
Note: All parties involved in the fight must be in sparring mode for a spar to be in effect. If one party isn't, combat proceeds as normal and may end in death or dismemberment.
Natural weapons are weapons that your character will have access to at all times. Generally, these are typically unarmed fighting styles such as hand-to-hand combat, or attacking someone with other improvised weapons, such as your teeth. Also appearing on this list will be genetic mutations that can be used as a weapon, or trained martial arts skills.
@natural @natural-weapon
Using this command without any arguments will show you what natural weapons are available to you. This also displays genetic mutations such as bone claws and some cyber weaponry.
Cybernetic weapons must be readied for use. Use the command @cyberware
to see how to activate your chrome.
Example output of @natural
Your available natural weapons are: fists, feet, teeth, and Kung Fu
Entering the command with an argument from the displayed list will switch you to using that fighting style or natural weapon.
To change it to Kung Fu for example, one would enter: @natural Kung Fu
You can change the fighting styles which you use during combat, but not when holding an weapon item or a vehicle mount.
Note: If you are using a one-handed weapon in your main hand, your natural weapon may still be used to parry, counterattack, or perform other actions.
cover/threat*en <person>
When covering another person, you are considered to be actively threatening them with whichever weapon you have to hand. If they attempt to move away from your current location, you will automatically attack them.
Bodyguards are the kinds of people who throw themselves in front of blades, bullets, or buses in order to save the life of someone else. Often they'll want to be paid for this.
If you have the bodyguard advantage you'll be able to defend other characters from whatever life throws at them, by forcibly putting your body between them and the attack. You can start defending before and during combat, and you will continue to guard this person as long as you remain with them.
- In combat, a bodyguard will attempt to interpose him/herself between the attacker and the victim. If successful, the attack will be redirected at the bodyguard.
- Bodyguards that are actively attacking their own targets (targets that aren't trying to kill the person that the bodyguard is guarding) will suffer a penalty against defending the victim.
- A bodyguard can choose to defend a target against a certain enemy only, or a category of attack - ranged or close.
- The victim's own attacks will be compromised to a degree due to the bodyguard's interference, depending on who or what the bodyguard is defending the victim from.
- The bodyguard's ability to successfully defend the victim is determined by the bodyguard's quickness (agility), ability to assess the threats in the area (perception) and willingness to take injury on the victim's behalf (willpower).
- More than one bodyguard can be assigned to defend a victim. However, a bodyguard can only guard one victim at a time.
- Bodyguards cannot defend people who are themselves actively body guarding someone.
To act as a bodyguard for someone:
bodyguard/bg/defend <who> -- Defend a person against any incoming attack OR bodyguard/bg/defend <who> against <attacker/what> -- Defend a person from a specific attacker OR type of attack (ranged or melee/close) (but not both at once)
To stop guarding:
stop bodyguarding stop defending
hold/detain/grapple <player/NPC>
Attempt to grapple a person with force. NPC's will not appreciate this action and they will react accordingly.
resist/fight <player>
When grappled, this will attempt to break free of the grasp from said person. This can also be used without argument.
release <player/NPC>
Release the currently grappled player or NPC or held body. The command 'free' without arguments will do the same.