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Munition deployment mechanisms range from simple handheld grenades to shoulder-mounted launchers and vehicle-mounted weaponry or single-use automated weaponry such as landmines or other booby-traps intended for anti-personnel or anti-vehicle use. The munitions themselves however come in a variety of formats, whether 'less than lethal' riot control types of tear gas, flashbang or instant-hardening polymers meant to disable their victims to more lethal types such as shrapnel launching explosives, firestorms, or radioactive and biochemical weapons.

There are also more specialised munitions that provide wide-area electromagnetic pulse discharge, or those that blanket an area in radio-frequency interfering material or 'RF Chaff' composed of a capacitive material containing a high static charge.

Grenades, missiles and mines are susceptible to aging in our hostile environments, as such they are prone to failure. In order to see the likelihood of a grenade prematurely detonating, you should inspect it.