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Also called "pistols", the handgun's simplicity, single-handed use, and concealability have made this gun class popular with urban fighters and gangers. Their small size sacrifices a degree of accuracy, power, and range; but they can be used in a pinch for close-quarters combat. Handguns come in two flavors: revolvers and autoloaders. Revolvers are simpler to use and more dependable, but suffer from small magazine sizes and inconvenient reloading. Autoloaders are quicker and easier to reload, but complex and slightly less dependable.


aim/point <weapon> at <target> -- Points the weapon at the designated target (regardless of whether it can fire)
lower <weapon> -- Puts your weapon away into your inventory (completely, as if you 'remove'd)
fire/shoot <weapon> -- Will fire the weapon at the current target (initiating combat) or into the air if no target has been aimed at.
christen/dub <weapon> -- Give your weapon a nickname / alias (can only have one at a time)

For commands specific to pistols or revolvers, see their relevant help files.